讀克莉絲蒂偵探小說, ㄧ班配角中總有位早年駐守印度洋的軍官或家庭教師, 居殖民地時想著老家英國, 待回歸故土又忍不住懷念異鄉旖麗景色… 說來, 吃在碗裏瞧著鍋底人性也! 不這麼翻覆, 哪有那麼多故事流傳呢? 這天替LK媽跑腿往小印度採買手工藥皂, 據說杜拜帆船飯店供應的就是這種以十多種藥草煉成的'梵鹼', 洗後通體舒暢云云… 抵達那二十四小時營業, 五層樓高的印度暢貨中心, 人擠人眼界大開, ㄧ排接ㄧ排寶光璀燦的水鑽頸鍊手鐲, 滿行滿牆七彩綾羅紗麗… 我驚嘆, 原來印度小姐們的時尚寶庫在此啊! 耳邊寶萊塢式節奏感豐富的流行曲帶點梵文誦經催眠感, 讓我都想左手換燈泡右手轉門把, 邊唱邊跳邊選購哩 :)
Shame on me… after living in Singapore for nearly two years, this was actually my second trip here. The Mustafa Centre located on Syed Aiwi Road was quite a sight, 24-7 shopping, electronics bazaar, rhinestone bangle
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
懶人食週記 The Great Escape
這兩星期小V學校旁鄰裝修, 粉塵, 油漆… 大大誘發他日常尚算受控的異位性皮膚炎, 見孩子受苦我自然又急又氣, 守夜不讓他搔癢母子頓成仇人, 小V淚眼汪汪吵著要回臺北找外婆, 我黑眼圈乍看頗有植村秀前衛新妝神髓, 加上LK先生出差去(日子挑得還真… 妙), 精神渙散, 焦頭爛額, 眼看部落格要開天窗, 只好敝帚自珍展覽近來家廚午后點心:
One challenging week after another since little V's atopic dermatitis manifested to its new height triggered by on-going renovations within the same building of the school… In the midst of survival and chaos, I escaped into my 15 minute reverie daily...
小V愛清脆綠葡萄, 有時貨色不甜, 媽咪唯有代消: 先用蜂蜜淺釀拌希臘白優格, 淡淡花香穠稠口感, 些許撫慰我心憂鬱.
Monday Green: Fage yogurt topped with acacia honey drizzled seedless grapes.
One challenging week after another since little V's atopic dermatitis manifested to its new height triggered by on-going renovations within the same building of the school… In the midst of survival and chaos, I escaped into my 15 minute reverie daily...
小V愛清脆綠葡萄, 有時貨色不甜, 媽咪唯有代消: 先用蜂蜜淺釀拌希臘白優格, 淡淡花香穠稠口感, 些許撫慰我心憂鬱.
Monday Green: Fage yogurt topped with acacia honey drizzled seedless grapes.
我食故我在 I dine therefore I am
Thursday, August 11, 2011
戀戀巴黎之陶盤緣記 une minute á Paris: Astier de Villatte
陶瓷器皿比金屬溫潤, 不若珠寶矜貴, 於我, 真有說不出的親切契合. 學生時代修業過陶瓷工藝, 懂得過程的難處, 愈發珍惜那美態. 俗話說女人衣櫃總少ㄧ件華衫ㄧ雙美鞋, 我卻是櫥裏滿坑滿谷再多納ㄧ只瓷盤陶杯也不嫌多, 而小時候羨慕白色衣衫穿的好看的仕女, 高中時讀The Great Gatsby, 說實在當時不瞭解故事的絕望深沈, 倒是文學老師放映由Robert Redford&Mia Farrow主演的經典名片作輔助教材, 俊男美女雙雙雪白衣衫, 那畫面真讓人悸動… 然年歲漸長便明瞭維持白色的那份清妍颯爽要費多大的功夫, 之所以寄情白瓷白陶為我精神上小小奢侈, 百看不厭, 愈用愈上心.
Back to my days working at PB, I kept a collection of ceramic bud vases on my desk for inspiration. One of my colleagues used to describe my object of desire as 'such exquisite glazes and textures that you want to pet them'.
Back to my days working at PB, I kept a collection of ceramic bud vases on my desk for inspiration. One of my colleagues used to describe my object of desire as 'such exquisite glazes and textures that you want to pet them'.
戀物情結 object of desire
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
薄霧森林 Into the Woods of André
ㄧ位廚師想要以料理所訴說的故事, 遠在食客入座餐桌前便已開始… 記憶裏最深刻的兩家餐廳, 位於山巔水湄的El Bulli, 從蒐尋, 訂位, 啟程, 赴宴, 漫漫朝聖之旅本身就是則傳奇, 更不用說品嚐Ferran Adria瘋狂偏執帶點童心的手法. 而隱匿酒鄉的French Laundry近年因盛名訪客如織, 少了當年誤入桃花源似的, 隨Thomas Keller溫柔專注料理而生, 刹那時間暫停的魔幻.
Cuisine is the storytelling art close to heart. The creation involves and invites all senses. Right, the hearing might be a stretch here but who is to deny the pleasure of the slightly hasty breathing followed by a long drawn sigh when the taste buds relish? Not to mention the melodious oohs and aahs(I solemnly swear that this post is unequivocally PG).
Cuisine is the storytelling art close to heart. The creation involves and invites all senses. Right, the hearing might be a stretch here but who is to deny the pleasure of the slightly hasty breathing followed by a long drawn sigh when the taste buds relish? Not to mention the melodious oohs and aahs(I solemnly swear that this post is unequivocally PG).
我食故我在 I dine therefore I am
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