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Saturday, March 7, 2009

女人出頭天 Women Making It Work

‘女人出頭天’這標題下的很詭異(‘女兒當自強’如何? 頗具精武門的熱血感), 像工會標語… 緊握雙拳大聲喊出的那種! 朋友問有假期為什麼不去歐洲旅行(其實才Friday off 能去哪? 小義大利?), 而是回學校參加career conference?! 一. 無分彊域, 旅行只要是未曾到過的地方, 我總是很興奮的, 相較雄霸主流文化已久的優雅歐洲, 我更著迷滿佈衝突與張力的亞洲(文見金碧輝煌的古文明, 微笑暹邏).  二. 於我而言, 旅行最豐富的收穫是開拓視野, 長著翅膀的鳥兒不見得比有勇氣的心靈自由, 在career conference能聆聽不同專業人士的寶貴經驗, 也是一新耳目的journey.

其中一位演講者Dr. Seelig提出失敗履歷表failure resume的概念, 失敗不怕多, 來的愈快愈好, 每一個失敗都藏著解開人生課題的鑰匙.

Celebrate ideas
Celebrate entrepreneurship
Celebrate failures

更多的與會演講者真正的志業是當了母親纔開始, 傳統的工作環境最少朝九晚六, 尤其是專業, 這幾位出色的女性不願為工作犧牲養兒育女的機會, 也不屈服擔任女性天職便得放棄自己熱愛的工作, 堅持總是比放棄要來的艱難, 她們將困境轉為機會, 以靈活的觀察力, 創意, 和高度的專業, 走出屬於自己的道路.

晚上約當年讀研究所時的室友A在Palo Alto的雅痞越南餐廳Three Seasons聚會, 我多久沒來了? 整個口味變得鹹澀乾枯, 從頭檯到甜點無一倖免, 價位還不低, 唉! 經濟已不景氣了, 人們更須要能振奮心情的美食啊! 如此草率的態度, 怎麼留客? 唯一值得安慰的是A別來無恙, 在擔任律師多年和幸福婚姻的雕塑下, 當年那個蒼白瘦弱, 金髮藍眼的憂鬱語言天才… 少了玻璃的尖銳易碎, 平添幾分圓融, 眼神和唇角總溫情的微笑著, she made life working for her!

還在校園生活時, 我從沒注意到alumni center 的存在, 停好車, 我傻楞楞問身旁的女士: Has it always been there?

Arrillaga Alumni Center明亮寬敞, 有室內café和露天雅座, 裝備齊全的會議廳, lounge正中一座石砌壁爐, 牆角還擺了臺鋼琴… 長春藤混小資產的確是矽谷的正字標記.

等待的時候, 我用數位相機照下白牆掛的舊照片 --- Stanford第一所幼稚園! 孩子們的制服好像睡衣哦!


Echomiao said...

I like one definition of travel that coincides with yours "Travel can reinforce the primitive urge to bring the new into the circle of the known"

Miss LK said...


Travel sometimes helps me to see what I am not doing but can be doing and other times just to have a new appreciation towards what I have.

ps. I need to learn from you how to raise a longevity kitty(23yr old Siamese!!!) if I ever get to have another pet. My Himalayan passed away at age 13 to kidney failure(sobbing again...)

Echomiao said...

我太清楚失去愛貓的痛苦 以前只要老貓昏睡 我就緊張的去探牠的鼻息 深怕牠已斷氣. Like you, I keep her ashes in my music room

Maybe longevity has something to do with diet. My parents used to spoil the cat by feeding her the freshly cooked chicken heart and chicken liver everyday.

Miss LK said...

It has everything to do with the diet - your parents were brilliant to give your cat homemade meals!

Like any foolish human, I only learn from hindsight... check out the site of this holistic vet:

I'm so glad to get to know you through blogging, Echo! So much to learn :)

周太太 said...

Wow! Miss LK~ I didn't know you're a Stanford grad! Impressive!
I actually kind of guessed that because of the depth of your postings and the intelligent writing.

Miss LK said...

Thank you for all your kind words!!! There are plenty of bad students from good schools... :P

I had a great time at Stanford, was enlightened by a professor whom I greatly admired, made friendship that I believe to last for a life time, and found my husband!

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