Thanksgiving well spent in Orlando where we reveled in childhood wonder of the Disney World and relived the magic of Harry Potter. Naturally the countdown to Christmas could only be the Hogwarts advent!
十ㄧ月中忙完數場發表會, 大抵腎上腺素枯竭, 開始童趣化… 成日不務正業玩耍. 已高過我半個頭多的小V忍不住嘆氣: 難怪Ollivanders Wand Shop店裏人當媽咪是小孩子(?!) 感恩節歡渡於佛州童話世界, 旅行歸來意猶未盡, 搶購LEGO Harry Potter 2019倒數節曆, 亦如貪糖吃的小朋友偷跑, 耶誕節還沒到, 禮物拆光光拼建魔法學校 :P