In my youthful years, strangers(little kids) used to point at me and called me Mulan enthusiastically while their parents panicked and apologized. Nothing to offer apologies for… I am honored to be seen as a warrior. That positive sentiment no longer holds its ground thanks to the latest Disney rendition. Mulan 2020 was an unfortunate mix of cultural stigma and lazy storytelling.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… wrapping up gifts for my team. The devil is in the peppermint red and white swirl twine!
父親故鄉產珍珠, 從小讀’滄海月明珠有淚’, 對山海經博物誌的鮫人泣珠充滿遐想. 結婚時父親母親公婆與眾長輩相贈的珍珠手飾, 因貴重且LK不擅珠光寶氣, 沈睡銀行保險箱多年.